Visiting Munich in summer – a good idea?

Know before you go4 months ago

Will Munich be hot and crowded by tourists during summer? Or is summer the low season of Munich and barely worth visitng? Read on to find out if the summer months are the best or worst months for planning a trip to Munich.


June is a very good month for a trip to Munich. During June, you will have daylight from about 5 am to 10 pm which gives you the opportunity not only to do sightseeing and daytrips but you can also enjoy an evening in the beer garden or see the sunset in a rooftop bar. The weather is usually quite stable and temperatures are fine and perfect for sightseeing and outside activities. Sometimes, June also brings hot summer temperatures and heat waves up to 30°C/86°F for a couple of days. The chance of (severe) thunderstorms rises with the temperatures.


End of May or beginning June is also the rollout for the tourism-high-season in Munich starting with Pentecost/Whitsunday. Most Europeans do have a two weeks break around Pentecost, so you will find quite a lot of tourists (usually Germans and Europeans) in Munich.


My recommendation: June is an ideal month to do sightseeing in the city. It’s often warm, but usually not too hot. The city is not packed with tourists yet and if you decide to explore the city in depth you can really feel like a local. In my opinion, June is the best month to visit Munich.


July is the month in Munich where you see a big boost in tourism. Tourists everywhere. Especially after July 4th, you will encounter lot’s of guests from the USA, but also China, Russia and Arabic countries. In July the city feels fuller and fuller. Especially towards the end of July this feeling intensifies, as all European countries, but also the USA, are on holiday. Munich is a popular destination, as day trips to the Alps or Austria can also be made from here.


The weather in July is mostly stable and there are only few rainy days. In Munich July is actually the real summer month. Everything is open, you can enjoy the beer gardens and cafés, go hiking, go sightseeing by bike or just spend the day at one of the lakes.


My recommendation: A warm, sunny day in July offers countless possibilities. I would start the day with a nice Bavarian breakfast and then do a sightseeing tour on foot through the city. Afterwards I would get a coffee or a refreshing beverage and watch the surfers at the Eisbach creek. In the evening I would go to a beer garden and enjoy the atmosphere.


You’d think August would be the real summer month. In Munich this is unfortunately only true to a limited extent. The first part of the month is as warm as July and it feels like summer. From August 15th, however, one often has the feeling that autumn is already in the preparations. In the morning you will open the window and breathe in cool, fresh air. In the evening, it quickly gets cooler again, even if it was a nice, sunny and warm day. Also the number of rainy days rises in comparison to July.


Nevertheless August is a month in which still a large number of tourists from all over the world visit Munich. Therefore the city still feels very full. You can experience the same things as in July, e.g. going to the beer garden, day trips or sightseeing.


My recommendation: August is an ideal month for excursions to the Bavarian lakes or the Alps. Especially from mid August on, you can often enjoy a great view from the alpine peaks. If you always wanted to hike in the Alps, you should do it now. The weather is mostly stable, and the probability of thunderstorms decreases compared to the previous month.
Also the number of tourists in the city decreases, albeit slowly.

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